Coursing Letiště Medlánky - 30.3.2024

Mazaný zajíc Mistrovství Moravy CACT
Deadline for cancellation 11th Mar 2024 23:59
Deadline for enrollment 11th Mar 2024 23:59
Acceptance of dogs 30th Mar 2024 07:00
Event start 30th Mar 2024 09:00
Event end 31st Mar 2024 18:00
Event status

  Occupancy 210 / 500     Participated   210 Not attended   0

Mem. Type Handler Dog
Race Markéta Č. (Písek) ADEBANKE´S VISIT CARD (Basenji)
Race Daniela K. (Praha 10) Aira Star My beautiful Savage (Basenji)
Race Milan T. (Jílové u Prahy) Akia Wawindaji Kidogo (Basenji)
Race Simona Š. (Olomouc) Asanthe Moyo Wa Konga (Basenji)
Race Jana Š. (Praha 4) Ashaki Wawindaji Kidogo (Basenji)
Race Jana Š. (Praha 4) Ava Charlotte Kama Umeme (Basenji)
Race Zuzana K. (Brno) Azir Huriland Dog Breeding (Basenji)
Race Pavel V. (Bílina) Bannijeye Anya-Nya (Basenji)
Race Tereza K. (Průhonice) Beatriss Pod Makiem (Basenji)
Race Denisa H. (Chorvátsky Grob) Boytumelo Yayu Tabangwa (Basenji)
Race Martina H. (Soběhrdy) Cresseida Wawindaji Kidogo (Basenji)
Race Anna K. (SVITAVY) Dafina Debbí (Basenji)
Race Markéta Č. (Písek) Hakika Sewu Asthenia (Basenji)
Race Petra M. (Staré Město u Uherského Hradiště) Happy Max Mabanga (Basenji)
Race Zdenka M. (Kynšperk) Stoneface Dancing With The Demons (Basenji)
Race Renata H. (Praha 4) Avalanche Golden Jet Wings (Dlouhosrstý vipet)
Race Andrej S. (Mosonmagyarovar) Eclipse Silken Magic Andromeda Terra (Dlouhosrstý vipet)
Race Renata H. (Praha 4) Goldie of Silken Grace (Dlouhosrstý vipet)
Race Petra P. (Horoměřice) Terra Mater Beami Šahrak (Dlouhosrstý vipet)
Race Jiří Š. (Zakřany) Adina von Sliwowitz (Italský chrtík)
Race Martina R. (Ganovce) Adisiah Adaiah (Italský chrtík)
Race Andrea V. (Hodonín) Aghata Tingl Tangl (Italský chrtík)
Race Lucie K. (Plzeň) Alessio Affettuoso Tingl Tangl (Italský chrtík)
Race Marta P. (Zlín 5) Bianca Fragoletta (Italský chrtík)
Race Renata Z. (Hodonín) Cecilia Pliheart (Italský chrtík)
Race Heidi M. (Mödling) Dark Legend's Baba Jaga (Italský chrtík)
Race Jiří P. (Příbram 5) Donnet Annaperla (Italský chrtík)
Race Lucie P. (Praha 10) Giannadelchi (Italský chrtík)
Race Ján / Adriana P. (Mosonmagyaróvár) GREYTODAY Tobie (Italský chrtík)
Race Żuk K. (Gdańsk) Cheyenne Pustynny Wiatr (FCI) (Italský chrtík)
Race Ingrid T. (Bratislava) IT Grey Butterfly ETNA (Italský chrtík)
Race Ingrid T. (Bratislava) IT Grey Butterfly EYE OF RA (Italský chrtík)
Race Beata Š. (Praha 10) Jasmine Feritte Bugsy (Italský chrtík)
Race Dasa S. (Bratislava) KURNOUS WIDAR (Italský chrtík)
Race Andrzej G. (Szczecin) Lucky in Love Stupor Mundi (Italský chrtík)
Race Petra V. (Ptení) Nino Tileco (Italský chrtík)
Race Monika V. (Česká Třebová) Orici Talata Můj andílek (Italský chrtík)
Race Marta W. (Czerwionka) Solstice Light Awaken Force (Italský chrtík)
Race Marta W. (Czerwionka) Solstice Light of Luna (Italský chrtík)
Race Andrea V. (Hodonín) Ultra Ginetta Anaperla - Žanett (Italský chrtík)
Race Barbora T. (Svatobořice - Mistřín) VALLI TILECO (Italský chrtík)
Race Andrea K. (Bratislava) Wella Tileco (Italský chrtík)
Race Barbora T. (Svatobořice - Mistřín) XA CRU TILECO (Italský chrtík)
Race Zdeněk B. (Svatobořice-Mistřřín) Peppe Tileco (Italský chrtík sprinter)
Race Michaela S. (Kelč) A’ Krug Champagne oc Melina (Whippet)
Race Eva H. (Praha 8) Abryanne Petrificus Totalus (Whippet)
Race Kateřina H. (Heřmanovice) Airwild´s Harmony Passion (Whippet)
Race Monika S. (Bratislava) Alijamo´s JOLLY ROGER (Whippet)
Race Katarína M. (Senec) Alijamo's Jean de Clisson (Whippet)
Race Iva N. (Vysoké Mýto) Amber Petrificus Totalus (Whippet)
Race Renáta K. (Ostrava-Koblov) Bailey Pixi Domestic Angel (Whippet)
Race Marie V. (Brno) Barney Ace Domestic Angel (Whippet)
Race David B. (Brno) Bart z Rybízovny (Whippet)
Race Petra Z. (Praha 4 - Háje) Bascow Iksis (Whippet)
Race Lucie V. (Rosice) Be Brave Fast Beat (Whippet)
Race Ladislava F. (Holasice) Be My Lucky Boy (Buddy), CHS Petrificus Totalus (Whippet)
Race Markéta N. (Rudice) Bea Julliette Domestic Angel (Whippet)
Race Vladimíra R. (Plzeň) Bee Iksis (Whippet)
Race Helena S. (Česká Lipa) Before you got me Par pur Amor (Whippet)
Race Hana N. (Brno) Bechanel Tokoto Trikonto (Whippet)
Race Michal H. (Pardubice) Blue Mountains Sunny Wild Grapes (Whippet)
Race Alice O. (Pyšely) Brittany Fast Beat (Whippet)
Race Šárka S. (Mikulčice) Buster Čebuko (Whippet)
Race Nicole K. (Útušice) Cara de la Luna Petrificus Totalus (Whippet)
Race Vladimíra R. (Plzeň) Caylee Iksis (Whippet)
Race Lucie M. (Praha 2 Nové Město) Celestiál Fénix Petrificus Totalus (Whippet)
Race Marie Š. (Moravský Krumlov) Cirilla z Cintry Petrificus Totalus (Whippet)
Race Lucie V. (Rosice) Cita Della Teribeck (Whippet)
Race Libor S. (Bechyně) Cookie Diamond Domestic Angel (Whippet)
Race Věra M. (Vendolí) Corra _New Nazaret (Whippet)
Race Martina B. (Plzeň) Crabatt Arogant Rozárka (Whippet)
Race Joanna Z. (Lubanie) DARE TO FOLLOW Sonic Workaholic (Whippet)
Race Dayana T. (Zlín) Dark Lion Teribeck (Whippet)
Race Martina Š. (Staré Hodějovice) Debee (Whippet)
Race Martina B. (Plzeň) Demonia Petrificus Totalus (Whippet)
Race Jana T. (Šenkvice) Diego Kesan Hound (Whippet)
Race Mirjam S. (Wien) Eenymeeny Tiny Mou Ready GO (Whippet)
Race Joanna Z. (Lubanie) EL PABLO Sonic Workaholic (Whippet)
Race Kinga P. (Łódź) ELASTIC HEART Idealist (FCI) (Whippet)
Race Jana T. (Šenkvice) Elwood Kesan Hound (Whippet)
Race Eva H. (Praha 8) Etiketa z Hedvábí (Whippet)
Race Marlena W. (Oświęcim) Fit for Speed (FCI) FOO FIGHTER (Whippet)
Race Klaudia B. (Wilkszyn) Fit for Speed (FCI) THE CHALLENGER (Whippet)
Race Klaudia B. (Wilkszyn) Fit for Speed (FCI) THE CHECK-MATE (Whippet)
Race Alicja B. (Warszawa) Fit for Speed FIRESTARTER (Whippet)
Race Szymon T. (Katowice) Fit for speed FLYING ROCKET (Whippet)
Race Klára J. (Sviadnov) Fit for Speed THE EXPLOSION (Whippet)
Race Szymon T. (Katowice) Fit for Speed THE POWER BEAST (Whippet)
Race Šárka D. (Třešť) Frontrunner`s Bring It On (Whippet)
Race Lukáš B. (Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav) Ginger VIP Poppet (Whippet)
Race Roman P. (Praha) GRACE Czech Spring (Whippet)
Race Marlena W. (Oświęcim) HEART HUNTER Pagawa (Whippet)
Race Kinga P. (Łódź) HIP HOP HOORAY Idealist (FCI) (Whippet)
Race Joanna J. (Mikołów) Hokus Pokus Pagawa (FCI) (Whippet)
Race Jiří H. (Praha 6) Chaos Universe de Wallrock (Whippet)
Race Petr Ž. (Praha 3 - Žižkov) Indian Summer Sunny Funny (Whippet)
Race Ivana Knotková K. (Tábor) Infernal Imp Lásky dar (Whippet)
Race Anna A. (Warszawa) INFINITO DURA ACE (Whippet)
Race Iva N. (Vysoké Mýto) Isabell White Princess Loop Line (Whippet)
Race Veronika M. (Horní Město) Izzy Loop Line (Whippet)
Race Pavel Š. (Český Krumlov) Just on the Ride de Wallrock (Whippet)
Race Šárka D. (Třešť) Just Run Sweetie de Wallrock (Whippet)
Race Isida M. (Lutila) Keiko Isis Wind (Whippet)
Race Vladimíra R. (Plzeň) Kiss Me You Fool de Wallrock (Whippet)
Race Lenka F. (Krásná Lípa) Kodiaq Sunny Funny (Whippet)
Race Ivana K. (Tábor) Nugget Gold Lásky dar (Whippet)
Race Hana N. (Brno) Overdose Bohemia Snap Dog (Whippet)
Race Anna A. (Warszawa) RAMONESCA Brodwinek (Whippet)
Race Isida M. (Lutila) Rebeca vom Leineufer (Whippet)
Race Petra Mackova M. (Vendolí) Reffton Sugar Y Vanilla (Whippet)
Race Tomáš A. (Moravská Třebová) Spirit of Speed FeeBee (Whippet)
Race Monika S. (Brno) STANGERS LAND VALDAY (Whippet)
Race Miluše Š. (Kladno 4) Symphaty for the Devil (Whippet)
Race Iwona D. (Warszawa) TO KOBRA Rushmaniac (FCI) (Whippet)
Race Ladislava F. (Holasice) Alwin B´ Roowoox (Whippet sprinter)
Race Vladimira K. (Bernolakovo) Asher Petrificus Totalus (Whippet sprinter)
Race Drahomíra S. (Velvary) Barron di Cadore Smidt´s (Whippet sprinter)
Race Tomáš A. (Moravská Třebová) Bonnya Il Sogno Reale (Whippet sprinter)
Race Karolína P. (Plzen) Caewa Il Sogno Reale (Whippet sprinter)
Race Martin M. (Kladno) Camaro New Nazareth (Whippet sprinter)
Race Lenka H. (Brno) Cśare Nyx Petrificus Totalus (Whippet sprinter)
Race Mirjam S. (Wien) Dévaj 1976 Iris (Whippet sprinter)
Race Vladimira K. (Bernolakovo) Drake Kesan Hound (Whippet sprinter)
Race Klaudia B. (Wilkszyn) FORCE FIORE Gallaunt (FCI) (Whippet sprinter)
Race Agnieszka F. (Kraków) Hunter Fort Mini Pocket FCI (Whippet sprinter)
Race Markéta H. (Olomouc) Chipsy Blue North (Whippet sprinter)
Race Petr Ž. (Praha 3 - Žižkov) Kissy Missy Sunny Funny (Whippet sprinter)
Race Zdeněk Š. (Boršov nad Vltavou) Nobel Lásky dar (Whippet sprinter)
Mem. Type Handler Dog
Race Piotr T. (Polanica Zdrój) ANDRINA ONYCHINUS Impuls i Splendor (FCI) (Afgánský chrt)
Race Miroslav H. (Stará Ves nad Ondřejnicí) Brigitte Charisma Royal (Afgánský chrt)
Race Svatava P. (Brno) Eyken z Allahovy země (Afgánský chrt)
Race Svatava P. (Brno) Felicia z Allahovy země (Afgánský chrt)
Race Martina K. (Hvozdnice) Maalum Uzuri Elara (Afgánský chrt)
Race Sona F. (Říčany) Dayak Ehen-n-ma (Azavak)
Race Lenka K. (Dobřany) Almos Hunyadyho Kaštiel (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Eliška G. (Piešťany) Anais Mountain Moon (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Dominika N. (Uničov) Artemis Janmar Z.A.A. (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Kateřina P. (Kladno) Brian Sousedik (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Andrea C. (Vratimov) Jack (Bond) Bat Jemerri (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Lenka K. (Dobřany) KING OF THE RING KRYLOV (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Naďa H. (Sulejovice) Kiss and Tell Matrioshka (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Vojtěch a Ludmila Z. (Náměšť na Hané) Quillaia Bistkupstwo (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Dana Š. (Novosedlice) Salazar Silent Enigma (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Lenka B. (Velké Všelisy) Sirael Bistkupstwo (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Lenka B. (Velké Všelisy) Sokol&K Flora (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Vítězslav H. (Troubelice) Tangara Bistkupstwo (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Vojtěch a Ludmila Z. (Náměšť na Hané) Toyen Bistkupstwo (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Ludmila B. (Ondřejov) Ursa Major Silent Enigma (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Barbora P. (Zavlekov) Vazhnaya Persona Barynya (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race Martina K. (Hvozdnice) X-HONDA Stepowy Goniec (Barzoj - ruský chrt)
Race andrea j. (hořovice) Aisha Under Sharp Hill (Deerhound)
Race andrea j. (hořovice) BlossomRose Under Sharp Hill (Deerhound)
Race Zuzana Lelova L. (Beroun) Bumble-bee Under Sharp hill (Deerhound)
Race andrea j. (hořovice) Candy Crush Under Sharp Hill (Deerhound)
Race Markéta S. (Černá Hora) Chiara Arya Irater (Deerhound)
Race Ivana D. (Hlinsko) Chip Elvin Irater (Deerhound)
Race Eva V. (Náměšt nad Oslavou) Ira Funny Daisy Irater (Deerhound)
Race Jana F. (Praha 9) Alexandra Ginger Dwarf (Faraónský pes)
Race Jana F. (Praha 9) Amadeus Ginger Dwarf (Faraónský pes)
Race Florine N. (Praha 9) Anchesenamon Queen Florina's Diamonds (Faraónský pes)
Race Katarzyna S. (Praha 4) Archimedes Ginger Dwarf (Faraónský pes)
Race Karin H. (Dolní Kounice) Beloved Bond Florina’s Diamonds (Faraónský pes)
Race Jana F. (Praha 9) Cantara Anat Wai-Wad (Faraónský pes)
Race Jana H. (Praha 6 - Řepy) Osiris Next Level Superman XO (Faraónský pes)
Race Rudolf K. (Dolní Kounice) Boston De Cueva Diesel Culleram (Ibizský podenco)
Race Jana H. (Praha 6 - Řepy) Cazaion Esperado (Ibizský podenco)
Race Jana H. (Praha 6 - Řepy) Eryx de Enresaltos (Ibizský podenco)
Race Jana H. (Praha 6 - Řepy) Fenix de Entreslatos (Ibizský podenco)
Race Jana H. (Praha 6 - Řepy) Gallardo de Entresaltos (Ibizský podenco)
Race Alica C. (Chorvátsky Grob) Gran Capitan Baltas Véjas (Ibizský podenco)
Race Jana H. (Praha 6 - Řepy) Primal Hound's Aalto Solace if Kuraokami (Ibizský podenco)
Race Michaela B. (Rakovník) Primal Hound's Amiah Rejoice Of Zirnitra (Ibizský podenco)
Race Miroslava F. (Dunajská Lužná) Sasha Rjabina De Bergerac (Ibizský podenco)
Race Ján T. (Ľubovec) Eternal Esme Erdor Iris (Irský vlkodav)
Race Pavla B. (Kyšice) Flower Ar'Daroth (Irský vlkodav)
Race Martina D. (Kurdějov) Higss Ar'Daroth (Irský vlkodav)
Race Michaela R. (Lužná) Irish Hunters Claire Balfama (Irský vlkodav)
Race Tomáš V. (Brno) Jasmine Nara Caer Dallben (Irský vlkodav)
Race Michaela R. (Lužná) Kerry BALFAMA (Irský vlkodav)
Race Viktor Á. (Piliscsaba) Taima Paluduz (Irský vlkodav)
Race Štěpán Andziol A. (Olovnice) Acadia Tawalla (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Markéta B. (Uherské Hradiště) Alucard Ni Sunaarashi (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Hana V. (Slušovice) Basilah Devon exe (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Martina Z. (Praha 9) Boofai Agricola a Nord (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Hana V. (Brno - Kohoutovice) Cassander Giliath (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Lea B. (Libeň) Ciel Besaba Giliath (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Martina Z. (Praha 9) Collin Deluca Moravia (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Petra L. (Topolná) Emad av Min Tera (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Isabell I. (Weidlingbach) FARAVAHAR Asal (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Isabell I. (Weidlingbach) FARAVAHAR Avesta (Saluki - Perský chrt)
Race Eva K. (Praha 8) Ambrogino Miracolo Cani di Luca (Sicilský chrt)
Race Lumír L. (Nový Jičín) Aramis del Gelso Bianco (Sicilský chrt)
Race Mirjam S. (Wien) Devana Felicitous WildLife Magic (Sicilský chrt)
Race Michaela V. (Bratislava) Sasà dei Vignazzi (Sicilský chrt)
Race Eva K. (Lipník nad Bečvou) Silvento Orion (Sicilský chrt)
Race Martina Z. (Praha 9) Asaad Sayed Assahra (Sloughi)
Race Klára N. (Horní Brusnice) Akai Element Adrenaline (Španělský galgo)
Race Petra K. (Svatý Mikuláš) Angelika de Galgos Paganiniho symfonie (Španělský galgo)
Race Petra K. (Svatý Mikuláš) Aramis de Galgos Paganiniho symfonie (Španělský galgo)
Race Hana R. (Borovnice) Archer Rabbit's nightmare (Španělský galgo)
Race Olga B. (Praha 6) Arwen Element Adrenaline (Španělský galgo)
Race Hana R. (Borovnice) Ballerina Rabbit’s nightmare (Španělský galgo)
Race Hana B. (Břeclav) Bandito Rabbit´sNightmare (Španělský galgo)
Race Hana R. (Borovnice) Barbarian Rabbit’s nightmare (Španělský galgo)
Race Dáša K. (Miroslav) Beastie Boy Rabbit's nightmare (Španělský galgo)
Race Klára N. (Horní Brusnice) Bella Dama Element Adrenaline (Španělský galgo)
Race Klára N. (Horní Brusnice) Black Mafia Element Adrenaline (Španělský galgo)
Race Vendula J. (Vysočany) Blackberry Rabbit´s nightmare (Španělský galgo)
Race Hana R. (Borovnice) Hot Isle Hortensia (Španělský galgo)


Title Letiště Medlánky
GPS 49.2385483N 16.5548842E »
Link Show location on map »

Parkování je možné v blízkosti dráhy. V případě deštivého počasí můžete zaparkovat před Restaurací U Křivé vrtule.

Zde je možné se po celý den občerstvit.



  Event description

Race accessible to all individuals with a valid license, FCI X greyhound breeds, listed breeds of FCI V - Pharaonic dog, Sicilian greyhound, ibiza podengo, Canary podengo, Portuguese podengo and basenji and nationally recognized breeds long-haired vipet and chortaja borzaja.

Race: CACT, championship of Moravia, nominatiom, V4

The race is governed by the valid Coursing Regulations of National racing and coursing order of ČMKU.

Login process:

The application will enter into force upon receipt of the payment sent to the club account.
Deadline to: 11.3.2024. Later registration (payment) will not be considered.
After the deadline, the application is binding. The cancellation is in full amount of the starting fee.

Sign up here (website) in the event listing. Enter the type of race, fill in the boxes.
Please indicate the type of license in the note in the application (FCI - CACIL, Open Class/ CSS).

Deadline to:  11.3.2024

The application will enter into force upon receipt of the payment sent to the club account.
Deadline to: 11.3.2024. Later registration (payment) will not be considered.
After the deadline, the application is binding. The cancellation is in full amount of the starting fee.

The message for the recipient states:
-mazany zajic-breed-owner's name

Payments from abroad:
non-member/ 42€
discount on another dog of one owner is 4€

č.u. spolku: 2000816404/2010 (Fio banka)

IBAN: CZ3620100000002000816404

By signing up for the action, you confirm that you agree with the propositions.

Schedule: (breeds will be divided into individual days only after deadline)

check-in: 7: 00-8:30
start: 9:00
announcing the results: 17:30 (preliminarily)
end: 18:30

The organizer has the exclusive right to modify, move or cancel events according to the situation.

Veterinary control:
- the owner must present a valid petpas or vaccination certificate (vaccination must not be younger than 14 days)
- the dog must go through the identification-chip / tattoo
- a dog that does not pass a veterinary check will not be placed in the race
- for dogs under 2 years of age and 6 years before the second round, a second veterinary check is required

Mandatory equipment:
- then the owner of the racing dog must present a valid license
- have coursing dress (red, white)
Using color collars instead of a dress is not allowed. No recognizable inscriptions, characters, or other shapes shall be placed on the dress.
- have a muzzle to allow the dog to breathe freely, baskets in the colors of the national flag, neon, reflective or flashy colors are not allowe, according to the FCI Regulations for National Sighthound Races since 2022.

Every competitor is required to appear in the saddle 2 runs before starting his run and to observe the race schedule. If he does not appear at the start of a given time, he is eliminated from the race.

The schedule is organized by the organizer. First round by electronic lottery. Second round according to the points obtained in the first round.

- length: 700-1000m
- terrain: grassy, meadow

- 1st-3th place winner cup
- all the material price for all participantsy
- championship "dress"
- declared the best of day dog

Director of race:
Milan Oliva
Leader of the event:
Zbyšek Hrubec
Michal Beneš, Martina Ryslerová
Massimo Errante (IT), Roman Božík (SK), Slavomíra Božíková (SK), will be supplemented,
subject to change
Substitute judges:
Zbyšek Hrubec, Michal Beneš, Milan Oliva, Adéla Benedeková
MVDr. Barbora Jurišicová, MVDr. Barbora Bartošová

Moravský coursing
Milan Oliva, Adéla Benedeková
(final reel, str:etching the track on a quad)
Michal Andrys, Pavel Jánský
Medlánecké letiště
Hospoda u Křivé vrtule
marked space near the track

  Conditions of participation

Conditions for all participants:
Running is subject to: harnesses, collars. The handler who will not respect these conditions will not be allowed to run!
Dogs are under the supervision of owners, racing on the track is fined 500 CZK.
Dogs run with muzzle that does not cause them pain, allow them to breathe freely and prevent injury to the dog by pulley or injury to the other dog.
Pass a valid eyeball with the current owner's name on the check.
Do not forget enough water for the dog.

Safety precautions:
Animals with visible wounds and pregnant females will not be admitted to the grounds (only in agreement with the organizer).
It is strictly forbidden to freely run dogs!
Dogs are the responsibility of their owners.
Possible damage or loss is not paid by the organizer!
The organizer does not in any way assume responsibility for accidents, injuries, or illnesses that have been suffered by the participants in the event or caused by themselves!
Any doping is prohibited!

Veterinary regulations:
Coursingu can only participate in clinically healthy dogs, accompanied by a vaccination card or pet passport, which contains a record of valid rabies vaccination.
Dogs who have not passed at the specified time by veterinary examination may not participate in the race.
Since 1.3.2004, the Act on the Protection of Animals against Torture Act No. 246/1992 Coll., As amended, especially as amended by Act No. 77/2004 Coll. prohibiting the propagation of animal abuse by showing at public events.
Therefore, a dog with eared ears will not be admitted to the public canine action.

Addendum for race:

All kinds of doping are forbidden !!! Paragraph 1. 9. Doping see the National Race and Coursing Rules.
Exclusion of the participant
Any dogs in the course of the race will be excluded at any time by clearly outrageous, invasive dogs
people and other dogs, and dogs not controlled by their dog handlers, unscrupulous handlers, violations of sentences and orders, animal welfare rules (including punishment and harsh treatment of dogs) and violations of good morals.

Exclusion of the participant
Out of the competition will be excluded at any time by dogs apparently attacking, invading persons or other dogs, and dogs not controlled by their dog handlers, unsportsmanlike handlers, violations of sentences and orders, animal welfare rules (including punishment and brutal treatment with a dog) and in violation of good morals.

Objections and complaints may be filed only in writing in the race office after the principal has been deposited with CZK 500, which, in case the protest is unjustified, falls to the organizer. Otherwise, the principal shall be returned to the proposer. The protest must be submitted in writing to the head of the coursing course during the race, otherwise it will not be accepted. The protest will be discussed by a commission composed of the race judges and the race manager. It shall inform the appellant of the outcome of the hearing without undue delay. Further, a written record will be made to discuss the protest, which will be forwarded to the DaC Commission of ČMKU together with the "Coursing Race Report".

The responsibility of the organizer and officers of the coursing race is governed by the provisions of Article 1.12 of the National Race and Coursing Regulations. Neither the organizer nor coursing officials are responsible for injuries caused by dog owners, handlers, dogs, or officials themselves. They also reject all responsibility for lost dogs. The dog owner is not responsible if his dog hurts a second dog during a coursing session. In all other cases, the owner takes over his own
dog full responsibility.