Coursing Soběšice- louka Pánská Lícha - 21.4.2019

dopolední trénink - Licence
Deadline for cancellation 18th Apr 2019 23:59
Deadline for enrollment 19th Apr 2019 23:59
Acceptance of dogs 21st Apr 2019 08:15
Event start 21st Apr 2019 08:30
Event end 21st Apr 2019 11:00
Event status

  Occupancy 13 / 20     Participated   13 Not attended   0

Mem. Type Handler Dog
Training Yvona N. (Tvarožná) Coffi Kandali Santon (Basenji)
License Eliška O. (Brno) Linn Slovakia Lutra (Border terier)
Training Zdeněk N. (Svitavy) Everett Zito Choďák (Chodský pes)
Training Věra V. (Prostějov) Petty (Německý boxer)
Beginner Silvie K. (Brno) Indy (Pes/fena do 45 cm - pes bez PP / kříženec)
Training Anna F. (Adamov) Kelišová (Pes/fena nad 45 cm - pes bez PP / kříženec)
Training Marcela Č. (Blučina) Dandelion (Rakouský krátkosrstý pinč)
License Hana D. (Brno) Asher - Aveiro Aterri Mericon (Rhodéský ridgeback)
Beginner Kristýna H. (Brno) Beauty Bruno Legend of Africa (Rhodéský ridgeback)
License Linda D. (Brno) Bella Mia (Rhodéský ridgeback)
Training Pavla Drábková D. (Šaratice) Darren Prince Energy of Africa (Rhodéský ridgeback)
License Lucie A. (Brno) Indiana (Rhodéský ridgeback)
Training Iva C. (Brno) Megi (Stafordšírský bullterier)


Title Soběšice- louka Pánská Lícha
GPS 49°14'43.781"N, 16°37'31.235"E »
Link Show location on map »

Prosíme nenechávejte své pejsky štěkat, jsme v obytné zóně.

Doprava MHD: Autobus 57, zastávka Panská Lícha

Doprava autem: z Lesné po ulici Dusíkova, odbočka vpravo na ulici Panská Lícha.

Trať bude mezi uvedenou zastávkou a cedulí Soběšice.

  Entry fee / 2 runs

    Beginner   Training   License
 Member 100 CZK 150 CZK 200 CZK
 Nonmember 150 CZK 200 CZK 300 CZK

  Conditions of participation

Conditions for all participants:
Running is subject to: harnesses, collars. The handler who will not respect these conditions will not be allowed to run!
Dogs are under the supervision of owners, racing on the track is fined 500 CZK.
Dogs run with muzzle that does not cause them pain, allow them to breathe freely and prevent injury to the dog by pulley or injury to the other dog.
Pass a valid eyeball with the current owner's name on the check.
Do not forget enough water for the dog.

Safety precautions:
Animals with visible wounds and pregnant females will not be admitted to the grounds (only in agreement with the organizer).
It is strictly forbidden to freely run dogs!
Dogs are the responsibility of their owners.
Possible damage or loss is not paid by the organizer!
The organizer does not in any way assume responsibility for accidents, injuries, or illnesses that have been suffered by the participants in the event or caused by themselves!
Any doping is prohibited!

Veterinary regulations:
Coursingu can only participate in clinically healthy dogs, accompanied by a vaccination card or pet passport, which contains a record of valid rabies vaccination.
Dogs who have not passed at the specified time by veterinary examination may not participate in the race.
Since 1.3.2004, the Act on the Protection of Animals against Torture Act No. 246/1992 Coll., As amended, especially as amended by Act No. 77/2004 Coll. prohibiting the propagation of animal abuse by showing at public events.
Therefore, a dog with eared ears will not be admitted to the public canine action.

Addendum for race:

All kinds of doping are forbidden !!! Paragraph 1. 9. Doping see the National Race and Coursing Rules.
Exclusion of the participant
Any dogs in the course of the race will be excluded at any time by clearly outrageous, invasive dogs
people and other dogs, and dogs not controlled by their dog handlers, unscrupulous handlers, violations of sentences and orders, animal welfare rules (including punishment and harsh treatment of dogs) and violations of good morals.

Exclusion of the participant
Out of the competition will be excluded at any time by dogs apparently attacking, invading persons or other dogs, and dogs not controlled by their dog handlers, unsportsmanlike handlers, violations of sentences and orders, animal welfare rules (including punishment and brutal treatment with a dog) and in violation of good morals.

Objections and complaints may be filed only in writing in the race office after the principal has been deposited with CZK 500, which, in case the protest is unjustified, falls to the organizer. Otherwise, the principal shall be returned to the proposer. The protest must be submitted in writing to the head of the coursing course during the race, otherwise it will not be accepted. The protest will be discussed by a commission composed of the race judges and the race manager. It shall inform the appellant of the outcome of the hearing without undue delay. Further, a written record will be made to discuss the protest, which will be forwarded to the DaC Commission of ČMKU together with the "Coursing Race Report".

The responsibility of the organizer and officers of the coursing race is governed by the provisions of Article 1.12 of the National Race and Coursing Regulations. Neither the organizer nor coursing officials are responsible for injuries caused by dog owners, handlers, dogs, or officials themselves. They also reject all responsibility for lost dogs. The dog owner is not responsible if his dog hurts a second dog during a coursing session. In all other cases, the owner takes over his own
dog full responsibility.